hatch vt. 1.孵化,孵。 2.创造,使发生。 3.图谋,策划。 hatch chickens 孵小鸡。 hatch a plot 搞阴谋。 hatch a theory 创立理论。 Don't count the chickens before they are hatched. 〔谚语〕蛋尚未孵别数鸡,别太指望没有把握之事。 vi. (蛋)孵化;(小鸡)出壳。 hatch out 想出计划,结果变成。 hatch up 〔美国〕发明,设计,计划。 Five chickens hatched yesterday. 昨天孵出了五只小鸡。 n. 1.(小鸡等的)一窝。 2.孵化。 hatches, catches, matches and dispatches 〔戏谑语〕(报纸上的)出生、订婚、结婚及死亡栏。 n. 1.【造船】入孔,升降孔,舱口;舱口盖。 2.(大门上的)便门,小门,短门。 3.(水闸的)闸门;鱼栏。 an escape hatch 应急出口。down the hatch 一饮而尽,干杯。 under hatches 1. 【航海】受禁闭。 2. 在困苦中,受压制。 3. 死。 vt. 在…上画影线。 n. 影线〔表示阴影的细密平行线条〕。
I don ' t know how their plot knows how the new plan will hatch out 我不知道他们的那个阴谋是怎样搞出来的。
The chicks have hatched out 小鸡孵出来了。
The mother hen hatches out her young by covering the eggs with her warm feathers 母鸡用温暖的羽毛把鸡蛋覆盖起来,使小鸡孵出来。
As to the former , the stemborer larvae do not survive long enough to hatch out as long as the field is irrigated and fertilized 对于第一个问题,只要农田灌水和施肥,螟虫幼虫孵化出来后不会活得很长。
After two months of incubation , 85 eggs hatched out baby turtles . eighty were released back to the wild in late summer and the remaining five were kept for conservation education 两个月后,成功孵出85只小海龟, 80只海龟于夏季末放回大海,其馀5只则保留以作保育教育之用。
The fish is a lot of fun games , with a lot of strange underwater biological , but there are a lot of them rely on pet your efforts can be hatching out , there are hidden pets 很好玩的养鱼游戏,里面有好多奇怪的水下生物,还有好多宠物不过他们要靠你的努力才能被孵化出来,还有隐藏宠物呢!
Ideas are like eggs ; fresh , they may nourish you ; brooded over , they may hatch out ; neglected , they may become almost empty and produce a bad smell 思想就像鸡蛋:新鲜时给你营养;孵化时会生出小鸡(比喻多思考会产生更多的想法) ;忽略不管时则会干枯,甚至发出异味(比喻经常不动脑思维就会枯竭)
Introduction : the fish is a lot of fun games , with a lot of strange underwater biological , but there are a lot of them rely on pet your efforts can be hatching out , there are hidden pets 很好玩的养鱼游戏,里面有好多奇怪的水下生物,还有好多宠物不过他们要靠你的努力才能被孵化出来,还有隐藏宠物呢!